Child rights governance and Child Protection

Justice and equality for the vulnerable.

Child rights cannot be fully realized without effective, transparent, and accountable governance mechanisms, hence to effectively improve the rights of children particularly girls and other vulnerable children, Trinity Project interventions are guided by the policy and legislative frameworks governing or guiding child rights and protection at global, continental, regional and national levels.

These help ensure that duty bearers are held accountable to provide an environment where children and young people can enjoy access to social services like access to birth registration, education and sexual reproductive health with minimum hindrance.

Trinity Project empowers the communities to demand access to these services from duty bearers, while monitoring the state actors to encourage and ensure they provide quality services. Due to Covid-19, many children and young girls were exposed to various forms of sexual exploitation leading to an increase to teenage pregnancies and child marriages.

Therefore the organisation actively engages on the fight against these at community level. Under this broad thematic  area, Trinity Project  intervenes through the following strategies; child protection, child participation, quality education, child abuse and  Access to justice .Trinity Project also advocates for inclusive budgetary processes at both national and local government levels and does public resource tracking to ensure that resources reach children and youth.

Examine the facts.


Vital services provided to


Staff and volunteers
working across 16 countries


Invested in all our programs
last year


People helped all over the